Friday, March 30, 2012

2 minute microwave play dough

Are you looking for a fast and easy play dough recipe? Look no further, I was sent this link where this awesome recipe was shared by one of their readers. I love love loved this recipe, there was little mess, the kiddos were able to help, and the whole process was done in two minutes. I have made play dough before, but it required using the stove and took much longer. After using this recipe, who would want to stand over a stove making play dough again? Not this busy momma!


1 c flour
1 Tbsp cream of tartar
1/2 c salt
1 Tbsp oil
1 c water
Food colouring


Combine first 4 ingredients together; mix food colouring with the water and add to flour mixture.  Microwave 1 minute on high; stir and microwave again for 1 minute.  Stir and let sit until cool enough to handle.  Knead well.

I have also added cool stuff like coffee grounds, extracts, cinnamon, ginger or glitter ... just for fun.  

Let the fun begin.
Time to add the oil.
Little Miss L. picked purple because she said it was an Easter colour. 
Baby D loves watching his big sister.
The final product. I did double the batch, so I decided to leave it in the microwave for a few seconds longer but now realize I probably didn't have too - I may have cooked it a little too long.
Time to try out our play dough.
Baby D gets in on the action too.
Big sister doing what she does best - bugging her little brother.
My poor boy can't catch a break when his sister is around.
Little Miss L. made necklaces and bracelets for everyone.
I think someone likes the play dough she just made?!?!

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